Peace Funerals

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Funeral Directors Category: Yorkshire & The Humber

  • If you choose Peace Funerals to help you with a funeral, you will be in the capable hands of John Mallatratt and his close knit team of funeral directors, Stephen Parkin, Gavin Moorby, Liz Greaves, Charlie Marshall, Claire Havenhand and Luke Fair. You will also be choosing one of the pioneers who have been providing choice and transparency in the world of funerals for over quarter of a century.

    John and Mary Mallatratt founded Peace Funerals back in 1996, and were in the vanguard of bringing about the changes to the funeral industry that are now being adopted by newer entrants. Neither of them had any previous experience in undertaking, John was a university lecturer and Mary was a former nurse working in social care, but personal experience of arranging funerals for family members made them realise that things could be done in a much better way.

    Reflecting on the funerals of 3 members of his family John realised that the funeral directors had taken away from him practically all decisions about the funeral. He says “I thought that there must be a better way of doing things and decided to leave my well paid job to try and set up a funeral service where people were empowered to make funerals personal and where choice and control were in the hands of families. It is a very emotionally rewarding job to do and one which I feel very privileged to carry out.”

    Within a very short time of opening, John and Mary found the premises at Gleadless Mount in south east Sheffield, where Peace Funerals still have a base today. The company swiftly gained an outstanding reputation and won a number of awards for extending choice and support to families, including Best Funeral Director in the UK from the Natural Death Centre charity.

    John remains involved with the day to day running of the business and now Stephen and Gavin have significant management responsibilities. Mary remains involved at board level, helping with new appointments and attending meetings regularly throughout the year. The team at Peace Funerals is now made up of twelve people altogether, with a second premises in Halifax Road in North Sheffield. Opening a second branch was a great learning curve for the staff, as previously everything had been done under one roof, but they have risen to the challenge of working out of two branches admirably.

    At Gleadless Mount you will probably meet Liz or Debra, who mainly work from there, supported by Julie and Jenny who look after the administration. James is also predominantly based at Gleadless too, he helps out with every aspect of funerals.

    At Halifax Road, you’re likely to meet Charlie or Claire who are mainly based in this branch, supported by Lisa and Sue, who share the administrative load, and Luke who has a similar role looking after all the practical aspects of funerals.

    These are just guidelines though, as the funeral directors and behind the scene staff are interchangeable and can just as easily be found at the other premises. Gavin and Stephen move between both branches all the time, and all of the staff, along with the part time casual bearers are connected on a WhatsApp group, ensuring that communication is quick and inclusive. Everyone is also able to access all the details about individual funerals via their shared internal internet, and on the whole you will be looked after by the person that you first meet throughout, wherever humanly possible. This personal attention is part of the ethos of this very ethical and egalitarian company.

    John’s out of death interests include walking, travel, holidays, photography. Diehard Birmingham City Football Club “in spite of the misery they cause me.” He is a former chair of trustees of the Natural Death Centre.

    Specific Gravity

    Probably everything you would want a funeral director to be. John and his team are, simply, terrifically nice people, friendly, humane, attentive. Calm. Nothing’s too much trouble, they give you all the space you need to make your decisions at your own pace. They are a small tight-knit team, and share what they’re doing so that, when you ring, whoever answers knows all about you. That’s rare.

    Gleadless Mount is a 1960’s parade type shop. Modernly-decorated meeting room inside, simple chapel of rest. Bright environment throughout – white walls, pine doors. It’s very unfunereal and unfussy, just like the company itself. We particularly liked the big modern lamps that provide soft lighting in the meeting rooms and visiting room, and the total lack of barriers – no desks between you and the person helping you with your funeral arrangements.

    Halifax Road is a former doctors’ surgery which has been totally refurbished and presents a bright, spacious environment. It is actually enormous, with a great feeling of space and light. There’s a huge reception area furnished with comfortable sofas – large enough for even the biggest family to all feel there was room for them. The meeting rooms are very private and quiet, and the two rooms used for spending time with the person who has died are far enough away from any noise to be able to give you a feeling of complete privacy.

    Behind the scenes, there are two large chilled rooms at both premises where people are looked after until the day of the funeral. Peace Funerals are not keen on embalming, preferring to look after people naturally and simply.  If you choose a traditional type of coffin, they will fit it and line it as you prefer – they keep rolls of fabric in the red of Sheffield United and the blue of Sheffield Wednesday in stock, as these are frequent choices by clients.

    What’s Important?

    Says John “We hope consumers are going to become progressively more demanding and exert far more control over what happens in the funeral arrangements of a loved one. Far from feeling threatened by this, we look forward to it happening.” Until the pandemic impacted the usual way of working, members of the team would gladly meet clients at home “as we want them to feel as relaxed as they can be.” When we re-visited in 2021, the precautions implemented when Covid-19 first affected our everyday lives meant that home visits were not being carried out, arrangements taking place over video or phone calls, or by appointment at either funeral home.

    Whoever you make funeral arrangements with will talk about the funeral ceremony with you, start you thinking and share ideas and possibilities, so that by the time you meet your celebrant, you’ll have developed a clearer view of how you want the funeral ceremony to be.

    What’s Different?

    The Peace Funerals ethos is as it has always been; the team are  keen to empower you to find your own way. This distinctive philosophy was developed by both John and his co-director former wife, Mary, whose pioneering work in the early days did so much to shape working practices here.

    They will do anything that is legal to help you create a funeral that is personal, appropriate and special, whether traditional or alternative. “We like it when families request something that we’ve not done before or ask for a product that we’ve not used before. Because we are all so different, the combination of things that a family chooses will be unique from one individual to the next.”

    The team are keen that you should do everything you want, including caring for the body. They will spend time discussing with you the practicalities “so that we can remove as much fear of the process as possible. For many who choose to get so involved, they find the experience very special and extremely cathartic.” Bring your music, your candles, your essential oils.


    • You will see the same person throughout; Gavin, Stephen, Liz, Claire, Charlie and James all conduct funerals, so from the start of the arrangements until the funeral is over you will have the same consistent support.
    • Will act as consultant to home funeralists: “we have done this many times.”
    • Do not customarily embalm.
    • Yes to same sex undertaker to lay out body if you wish.
    • Can put you in touch with a range of celebrants.
    • Have their own natural burial grounds (a third is opening in October 2021)
    • Source their own willow coffins.
    • Wide range of funeral transport offered.
    • Have designed their own pre-need ethical funeral plan.
    • In all respects, astonishingly good value for money.
    • Very good website.


    No praise too high. Greatly admired by the new generation of funeral directors. You will count yourself lucky to have found them – and you’ll wonder how they do it at that price.


    Any decisions you take on engaging the services of a funeral director should be based on your views and research. You should not rely solely upon the views and opinions offered by us.

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    Reviews from the old GFG site
    6 years ago

    Martin Fleet

    We attended a funeral organised by Peace a few months ago, what we did not realise was that we would be looking for someone to look after the arrangements following the death of our Mum on December 28th.
    It was important for us that Claire was involved as we saw the job she did at the funeral previously.
    Claire made it so very easy for us, we had a meeting with her and arranged everything. It was a catholic ceremony so was a service followed by the cremation at another venue.
    Claire arranged everything to perfection. Viewing in the days leading up to the day was never an issue and Mum was presented lovely, as if she was just sleeping.
    The drivers were very kind, very helpful and nothing was too much trouble.
    Thank you Peace Funerals, thank you Claire. We will always recommend you

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    Mrs.Lilian Jackson

    These letters have put my mind at ease.Just recently my partner decided to arrange his own Funeral and we sent for Peace Funerals, not having had dealings with them before we were bit apprehensive but from the moment the funeral director walked through the door we knew we had made the right decision.We now have the peace of mind knowing that when the sad time does eventually come we will know that everything will be as we want it.Thank you for your kindness.

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    Adam West

    Many thanks to Peace Funerals for a complete service from the moment mum and dad made their initial arrangements through to me contacting them the day dad passed in December 2016. Visits to my home, emails and phone calls ensured that the plans including sourcing an obscure music choice were all honoured.

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    Peter Antcliff

    Peace funerals carried out the funeral arrangements for my Dad very recently. They provided an excellent, caring service and I would recommend them to anybody. Unlike other funeral directors they provide this service without added expense. Nothing is too much trouble for them. A special thank you to Claire and all the staff

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    Lisa Burke

    My husband sadly passed away whilst in Austria and Peace funerals were one of 3 funeral directors who dealt with his repatriation back home. They were extremely helpful and compassionate especially Stephen. They were extremely helpful in organising customs letters to enable us to scatter his ashes overseas. I cant thank them enough.

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    S Williamson

    Peace Funerals carried out the funeral for my mother. My brothers and I are so grateful for the beautiful and moving ceremony that took place. Stephen was incredibly helpful, to the extent of collecting the plants we had bought when our car broke down. Although we provided the flowers ourselves, they took great trouble to arrange and manage them for us.

    We were not pressured into things we didn’t want, and the bill was very low.

    peace Funerals were recommended to us and I recommend the in turn to anyone who wants teh right sort of help at this time.

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    Melanie Marsden and Vicki White

    Peace funerals did the funeral arrangements for our mum. We can’t thank them enough for their professionalism, support and caring nature. It felt quite intimate and personal which was lovely and needed.
    Thank you to both Gavin and Claire for all their help and support.

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    Maryin Shaw

    In reply to .
    After my mothers death (I am an only child and my sons live in California and Spain respectively) I was recommended Peace Funerals by a friend whose wife and daughter had both died of cancer withing the last few years. Without wanting to appear mercenary, I had had two quotes of £3800 and £3500 from two local funeral directors, who didn’t come across as being particularly warming. I phoned Peace Funerals on Halifax Road and initially spoke to Gavin and made an appointment to see him. I was waiting for a catch. There wasn’t one. Gavin was the consummate professional. Sympathetic yet not morbid. Everything was geared towards what did I want and what would my mother have wanted. No hard sell.

    Carl, the Celebrant, came around to the house and we talked about my mother, with my uncle, for a good two hours as he made notes. I received a transcript by email within 24 hours.

    I was having her cremated and he asked where. I said Rotherham Crematorium, which is stark and on the edge of a council estate. Gavin asked why not Grenoside? I took his advice.

    On the day of the funeral the weather was awful, gales and rain. Gavin got out of the hearse, donned his hat and cane and walked in front of the cortege for maybe half a mile. Throughout his concern was for family and friends. Carl, the Celebrant, was also awesome.

    The comments afterwards were that I had done her proud. No, I had a small part in it. Gavin and Carl made the sad process easy.

    The cost? £2200. Gavin did mention on the day that that the ashes urn could be interred at Ulley Burial Ground whan the weather was better (on the edge of a country park) and I was wondering if he meant when it stopped raining or in the spring. He meant in the spring (£400 for the plot and plaque and shrub)

    I cannot recommend more highly. And this is a genuine review.

    To sum up in one word…fantastic.

    Words cannot express my gratitude to Gavin and Carl. Thanks guys..

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    Dave Jefferies

    Quite simply Peace Funerals were excellent. My mother had a wicker casket and everything was done exactly as we wanted. I had a Humanist celebrant who is a friend and there was no problem with this. I felt that any request would be honoured if at all possible. Arranging a funeral is stressful but they made everything easy. Unlike other funeral directors I looked at they publish their options and prices so I could make my choices in my own time and not feel pressured. I can only say thank you to all concerned.

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    Michael Osborne

    My brother and mother died within weeks of one another in early 2015. As you can imagine we were traumatised but Liz at Peace Funerals in Heeley, Sheffield
    looked after all the arrangements with the utmost efficiency and reverence. Everything was handled perfectly and on a one to one basis which made for a stress free experience as far as arrangements were concerned.
    We cannot recommend Peace Funerals highly enough. ten out of ten AND a star.

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    Jane Horton

    My husband Martin died an untimely death aged 56 in February this year. Gavin at Peace Funerals helped make the ceremony what I wanted. The service we received was faultless and in the distressing circumstances provided quiet and sensitive support. Thank you.

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    Kathleen Barson

    My husband passed away on 1st January 2014 and Peace Funerals were recommended to me to handle the funeral services.

    I would just like to state how they looked after everything with such care and consideration.

    The service they gave was unbelievable during which was of course a very sad time for me. It felt as if they were always willing to go that little bit extra if they could.

    Thank you so much

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    Julie Roberts

    Having lost my dear mother in law over the Christmas period of 2014 the distress for my husband and his brother was all too much for them to sort the funeral out.
    I didn’t like the idea of having to apply for a brochure for us to decide what we wanted you do that when you go on holiday!
    peace funerals had everything on the website which gave us the chance to go through everything in our own time and leave it when our pain was too much.
    I had also been recommended Peace funerals by a friend.
    Gavin was the gentleman to deal with us he was so caring and helpful with such a kind manner about him. He put us at ease straight away, and my mother in law would have loved him.
    Nothing was too much trouble, he spoke to us as if we were family and addressed my mother in law with such grace as though she was a dear friend of his as well.
    The flowers, programs and service were beautiful.
    Even down to checking we had locked our door as we left the family home to coming and telling us the crematorium was full and only standing room left so to be very proud of such a lovely lady. So much detail was put into every aspect of the funeral.
    We thank you with all our heart Gavin you were a true star and your professionalism shone through I don’t know what we would have done without you. I would fully recommend anybody to use Peace Funerals
    Thank you so much

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    Julie & Becky Ward

    Ron Ward lived for six years with bowel cancer – a vile disease which he lived a good life with, right up to the three weeks immediately before his death on April 21st of this year. As a buddhist, he had little time for thinking about what would become of him afterwards but, luckily for my daughter Becky and I, our dearest friends, Liz and Pete, found Peace Funerals in an online search and set things in motion for us.
    We were so lucky to find Peace as not one part of the experience was made difficult or distressing – we ended up with a celebration of my husband’s life that put into perspective all that had led up to it. In short, it was wonderful and uplifting..
    Stephen was our contact, and we were so lucky to get him! He treated both Becky and I with sensitivity and care; he listened to us and offered ideas which resulted in the perfect day. Who wouldhave thought that those words would be used to describe a funeral? They are absolutely apt, however – the venue for our service (Whiston Manorial Barn) was beautiful; the Burial Site was lovely in the Spring sunshine, with its Buddhist ceremony and then we all came back to the Barn to share our memories of Ron and have some food together.
    Clare was our celebrant and we knew from the moment we met her that not only would she ‘orchestrate’ events at the Barn and Burial Site with great professionalism but that she would synthesise what we had told her about Ron into a clear and coherent narrative. She has a tremendous gift there – we are so grateful to her.
    Becky and I truly believe that Peace could not improve any aspect of the service they offer: whoever came up with the name, got it exactly right. We all came away with such a sense of well-being and contentment. Ron was at peace and so were we. We cannot thank them enough. Perfect!

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    John Fulton

    My beautiful wife Lynn Green died on Easter Sunday after a long illness. She was able to remain strong and made the most of her life until two weeks before she left us.
    Through Stephen at Peace Funerals we were able to give Lynn the lovely day she wanted.
    Lynn was buried at the wonderful South Yorkshire Woodland Burial Site at Ulley.
    We had a beautiful non religious ceremony carried out at the graveside by Clare Freeland.Both Clare and Stephen are friendly,relaxed,and respectful, and very human with a gentle sense of humour.
    Organisation was excellent and unobtrusive at the lovely woodland site.
    Thank you for giving Lynn such a beautiful day, and for giving her family and her longstanding,loving friends a cheerful and positive memory.
    John Fulton

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    Gill Richmond-Burns

    My Mum died earlier this year and prior to this, I had had no experience of putting together a celebration of someone’s life. As soon as Mum was passed through to end of life care at the hospital, I began to think about funeral arrangements and what she would like. I had heard about the Natural Woodland Burial Ground at Ulley, but never visited. I went to see the ground, which in a way helped with the process and understanding that Mum was dying. Seeing such a nice burial ground, well kept, maintained, quiet and beautiful made Mums passing so much easier. I knew she would like the site and what made it special.
    After her death, I contacted Peace Funerals and made an appointment. I also said that I would like a burial at Ulley and they suggested I look round and think about a couple of possible plots which I would like. I have to say that I went to the appointment with my cynical head on as I thought they would try to sell every kind of “add on” possible. They didn’t. I had a idea of what I wanted and from the very outset, they were professional yet relaxed. They gave me time to think about things, allowed me to email messages and I even managed to get the exact plot I wanted – to the inch.
    On the day, the timings were to military precision, with the cars looking clean and very well presented. My contact with the company, Stephen was there to meet me and gave everyone a warm handshake and time to collect themselves and take in the enormity of the day. We shared a joke and this broke the ice and allowed everyone to relax, but don’t be fooled, he stayed on top of things throughout and nothing went off plan.
    I was overwhelmed at how beautiful the casket looked – I chose the willow Elysium, particularly with the flowers.
    The burial after the service was very well conducted, once again professional and the plot was well prepared, clean and tidy.
    I visited the grave a few days later and was really happy to see it well maintained, tidy and the flowers nicely arranged on top.

    After what was a heavy couple of weeks, I had time to reflect on the service provided by Stephen and Peace Funerals and I can’t praise them enough. Their professionalism at a difficult time was first class. They gave me time to think, the opportunity to change my mind and reassurance that everything was going to plan.

    People don’t think about Funeral Directors until they need one. I had the chance to think about things before Mum passed away. I have no regrets about using Peace and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to others, or to use them again should the situation arise. I would also advise you to think about the following;
    Take a camera phone to the burial site when choosing a plot as I found this very helpful.

    Don’t worry about emailing Peace. I did it a lot and found it helpful to make contact with thoughts and details. Stephen always got back to me quickly and sometimes it’s easier to write it down than pick up the phone.

    My Mum died in February, in the middle of the terrible wet spell. The ground was a bit boggy and muddy so I took some cloths for people to wipe their shoes afterwards.

    Lastly, I became a bit concerned when I didn’t receive the bill straightaway afterwards. It arrived about four weeks later. I never asked when it would arrive, which with hindsight would have helped as its usually this last bit which brings everything to a close. Oh, and in case you’re thinking it, the price was excellent and far less than I was expecting.

    In short, Peace Funerals are an excellent, professional and experts in their field. I can’t thank them enough and have no hesitation in recommending them.

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    Virginia simonite

    Gavin and other staff we met were thoughtful, kind and caring. Gavin went above and beyond someone doing a job in his care and thoughtfullness of my husband , myself and family, nothing was to much trouble.

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    The Johnson Family

    At a time when we really needed his help, John, on behalf of Peace Funerals,responded with great empathy, absolute understanding of our wishes and a clear demonstration of his expertise and professionalism which allowed us to trust him completely. He helped us to have the funeral we wanted, enabling rather than directing, and provided all the resources we needed to achieve a funeral which everyone there declared to be ‘the funeral I want’.
    We’re very grateful that Peace Funerals were willing to be so flexible as to make an incredible funeral which honoured Connie’s life and filled us all with joy.

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    Tony Dickinson

    I cannot recommend Peace Funerals enough.

    Liz and John and the rest of the staff were nothing short of professional without losing contact with being caring and understanding. They were in touch with us almost daily via e-mail or telephone checking at every step that things were exactly as we wanted them to be.

    The work that Liz put into making our Mum look beautiful and at peace was perfect. They even organised a mini bus to take some of our guests to the service and the driver was dressed appropriately and acted respectfully. Nothing was too much trouble.

    We paid for the highest level of service and we weren’t disappointed by any of it. This is the second time my family has used Peace to conduct a funeral and I wouldn’t hesitate to use them again. Perfect.

    Thank you.

    Tony Dickinson.

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    Brenda Langton

    Peace Funerals recently took care of my husbands funeral – the service was exemplary, they made this difficult time so much easier for myself and my family.

    They allowed us to bring my husband’s dog to the Chapel of Rest to say goodbye one final time.

    They were completely supportive and listened to our funeral ideas right down to the pink coffin lining which they they then complimented by wearing pink ties on the day.

    I would not hesitate to recommend them to anybody.

    Many thanks to the Peace Funeral team, especially Gavin who organised everything for us.

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    Dave Jenner

    My wife had brain and spine cancer which progressed very fast and gave me little or no chance to discuss funeral arrangements with her. The one thing she was able to communicate was a request for a carpet of crocuses above her – which I took to mean that burial was not something which she was uncomfortable about.

    A few days before she died (on March 20th 2013) and with some guilty feelings about planning her funeral while she was still with us, I started thinking about it and discussing options with our kids and wider family. By this time she was mainly asleep and slipping away steadily. I quickly found a promising looking funeral directors near where we live – Peace Funerals in Sheffield – I liked the tone of their website. We briefly explored woodland burial at a nearby village cemetery and Peace Funeral’s own burial ground near Sheffield but then it dawned on us that we could bury her on our own land – a 3-acre smallholding in the Peak District. A friend lent us the Natural Death Centre’s Handbook and our minds were quickly made up.

    Peace Funerals’ flexibility and reassurance was invaluable. What initially appeared to be complicated local authority “rules” for such a burial no longer seemed to pose a problem. Neighbours, to my slight surprise, were fully supportive. My wife was in her woven bamboo coffin in the house and was visited by family and close friends to say their good-byes. We decorated the coffin lid with flowers including white poppies – an emblem of peace. The coffin lid was secured. About 150-200 people gathered outside our house in wellies and woolly hats against the snow. Choral music was played over a PA system from an upstairs window. The (non-religious) celebrant read the tribute. We processed up the track with family and neighbours bearing the coffin having had some brief instruction from Stephen from Peace Funerals who quietly supervised and supported in the background (in jeans and wellies as requested). A flautist played as we walked. We got to the graveside where the Gaelic Blessing was read. Our singing neighbours sang Here is My Home by Si Khan. The coffin was lowered. Flowers were laid. People came back to the house for tea and cake.

    Many letters and e-mails subsequently arrived saying that it was a special day – simple, spiritual, moving and fitting. I am very very grateful to Peace Funerals for making it happen for us.

    Her grave is now planted up with crocuses and other spring bulbs.

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    Mark Bruce

    After volunteering to arrange my mums pending funeral, utter panic set in when, upon the death of mum, the hospice asked who our funeral director was… fortunately the night before I had been reading Peace Funerals website. I blabbed the name Peace Funerals to the hospice staff and went home panicking that I hadn’t actually spoken to anybody at Peace.

    Due to the professionalism of Peace my panic was soon removed, Peace collected my mum from the hospice the same evening. The next morning I rang Peace and spoke to Stephen and arranged a meeting. I have to say Stephen totally put me at ease, he listened and noted all our requirements and booked the crematorium as I filled in some paperwork. Stephen also organised Clare Freeland (civil celebrant) to contact me regarding the service.

    I was stunned how easy Stephen made the process seem. Due to my ignorance of funeral services, Stephen stepped in on the day to make sure myself and my family knew when to enter the chapel.

    To conclude….
    I would like to thank Stephen and all the staff at Peace Funerals for handling my mums funeral with the highest of professionalism and empathy. I will have no hesitation in recommending the services of Peace Funerals.

    Many thanks again to Stephen and all the staff at Peace funerals.

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    Anne Galloway

    I really cannot praise Peace Funerals highly enough. From the very first phone call (on a Sunday) the service was exceptional. We lost my father in February 2013 (the first family loss for me), I was suffering badly, was completely lost and terrified of the process.

    Then I met Gavin who put me completely at ease, getting me to talk about dad and asking me to show him a picture. We held the meeting at home where I felt relaxed and comfortable. Gavin’s manner and expertise throughout the meeting almost made me forget the loss I felt and even made me laugh at some of the memories we talked about.

    Once all our choices were made Gavin made sure we understood that we could change our minds on any aspect of the funeral at any time (which I did on various occassions). Nothing was too much trouble.

    When the day arrived I couldn’t have asked for a more professional, compassionate group of people to help me though (from Gavin through to the drivers and the pall bearers) every one of them were outstanding.

    We don’t like to think of family passing in the future, but when they do, I know that I’ll be in the best hands possible using Peace Funerals and I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending them to anyone.

    Many thanks to them all.

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    sue stark

    When mum passed away in the early hours of 18th dec 2012,I called Peace Funerals to take care of mum on her final journey,Liz answered the phone promptly,she sympathetically guided me through what was a difficult time,even asking how long we’d like mum to remain with us
    Just speaking to Liz that morning,was enough to reassure me that mum would be well looked after.
    Twice before, had I help arrange funerals for close family members,but there always seemed something lacking,but I couldnt put my finger on what.
    One was vey expensive,very professional,but not very personable.
    The other less expensive,professional,and adequate
    I wanted more for my mum.
    When Gavin,representing Peace Funerals the day after mum’s death.I knew I had found what and who I was looking for,someone who was professional,personable and compassionatte.
    someone who was genuinely empathetic.
    I just knew that day that Gavin was the one that would arrange for my mum to leave this world with dignity.
    When he left my home that day,I felt a friend had helped me arrange mum’s funeral,not someone whom I’d only met a couple of hours earlier.
    Everyone,Liz,Gavin,the drivers,pall bearersexceeded any expectations I could ever had hoped for.
    If the need arise I wouldnot hesitate to recommend them.

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    Linda Watkinson

    Peace Funerals are local to me and have been wonderful in arranging three family funerals, two in the same month, my aunt and father. I cannot recommend them highly enough in all aspects of their service including the cost.

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    Mark Cooper

    Just echoing the previous posts really as it says it all.

    With my mother’s sudden death, I was dealing mostly with Stephen (who is fantastic) and also spoke with Liz on a few occasions and both parties did everything they said they would, when they said they would (so cross-communication was present and correct, sadly lacking in a lot of companies these days).

    Peace have also been used previously when my wifes mother died suddenly, and were absolutely excellent that time also, hence me using them when my mother passed on.

    Nothing is too much trouble, very thorough and attentive, no pressure at all, let you choose what you want to do, and are very competitively priced.

    All in all a pleasure to deal with (under the circumstances). I wish the business and staff all the best in the future, and hope to not be dealing with them again soon (but in a good way!).

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    Phill Hargreaves

    I just wanted to write and say what a wonderful service Peace funerals offer. Sadly my mother passed away unexpectedly and she always said not to waste money on her when she died. The amazing thing was that although the price was very good value the service and professionalism was that of the highest order and far went above and beyond the cost and I’m sure my mum would have been very pleased with how the service was carried out and how much respect Peace showed her. We dealt with Gavin who I can honestly say was superb . His demeanour his professionalism and his understanding was excellent I can not praise him enough . It times like this when you need someone to take a lead and control as most of us are so bereft we fail to undertake the basic things , this is where Gavin and his colleagues excel but they do it in such a way that it goes unnoticed and yet much work is put into each detail . All I can say is thank you for everything and you should be proud of your professionalism and support .

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    Sarah Laidlow-Moore

    When my husband died suddenly and unexpectedly earlier this year, I knew that he wanted a green burial but did not know how to go about arranging it.
    I contacted Peace Funerals who supported and guided me through the process of giving my husband a most beautiful and fitting tribute to his life including being buried in a woodland setting.
    Everyone I dealt with was extremely kind, supportive and thoroughly professional. I would like to thank them for all their help.

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    Jo Charlesworth

    After half a day of trying to deal with a funeral director who took none of my feelings or wishes into account, I took the hard decision of moving my mother’s body to the premises of Peace Funerals, over an hour away. It was the best decision I could have made. True to their philosophy, I felt empowered again and able to have the funeral that I wanted for my mother. The costs were totally transparent and I was offered a good range of services from coffins to flowers, all of which I could view online. John took the time to get to know a bit about my mother which made him more involved and the process very personal. The whole team was a pleasure to deal with and this very sad occasion became a beautiful and uplifting one. I can’t thank them enough.

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    Jennifer Argent

    All of the staff at Peace Funerals were extremely caring, sensitive and helpful. It was also of great comfort to only have one point of contact to deal with once the initial enquiry had been made. Stephen was able to help with everything we needed and nothing was a problem. He was sensitive to our emotions, not so sombre as to not be able to laugh with us when we were remembering the good times or seeing the funny side, but serious and a guiding hand when we felt adrift with grief. You hope never to have to recommend a Funeral Directors but the sad fact is we all need them and so I fully recommend Peace Funerals. Thank you.

    Reviews from the old GFG site
    6 years ago

    Highly Recommended
    Penny Wardle reviewed
    We were very happy with the service that we received from Peace Funerals. Claire was warm, friendly, informative and very accommodating during the preparations and extremely professional on the day. Nothing was too much trouble. Carl, the Celebrant (recommended by Claire) was also very warm, friendly and professional and again fitted in exactly with what we wanted.

    We had one area of very slight concern. The pricing for the different elements of the funeral was a little unclear and, as a result, we had one query re the bill but this was quickly and efficiently dealt with. We would certainly recommend Peace Funerals to other people.

    Patricia Stockdale reviewed
    Just wanted to say a massive thank you. I think we all did Mum proud. It was really appreciated the effort you made to take us on the route we had planned and the drivers were excellent in the really difficult snow and blizzard conditions. Mum looked so cosy in her red coat (and needed it!)

    We used Peace Funerals four years ago for Dad. Mum was 90 at the time and Liz and all the staff could not have been any more accommodating letting us visit Dad several times. It was such a comfort to Mum. We had no hesitation in using them again on the sad passing of Mum,aged 94, this year. We felt supported but able to make our own choices so it felt very personal. I would recommend Peace Funerals to anyone.

    High praise
    Barbara Tingle reviewed
    My late husband long ago decided he would like to be buried in a woodland. Some years ago he developed a very cruel muscle wasting disease and whilst he was still able to he researched woodland burials. This led us, some time ago to visit the South Yorkshire Burial Ground at Ulley which he declared would be his perfect final resting place. Sadly he died in January and his wishes and plans led us to Peace Funerals. We cannot praise or thank Stephen and the team highly enough for all the help and support they gave us. This was, and still is, a very raw and sad time for us but at every point we were treated with respect and dignity and just the right lightness of touch to alleviate our pain and make the whole process of organising the funeral a positive and bearable experience. At no time did we feel rushed or pressured and everything we needed to know or decide upon, no matter how trivial, was dealt with with respect and kindness. Nothing was too much trouble and we were guided and helped to provide the very personal and unique funeral that we knew was what my husband and we, his family, wanted. Very many people attended John’s funeral and so many of them praised the way the funeral was handled. Some even said they were now rethinking their own final wishes.

    On the day everything ran smoothly, the drivers and attendants were all so considerate and caring, instructing my son and his friends, who were pall bearers, in such a kind manner and our driver even managing to locate a lost earing. Everything was carried out at our pace and with great regard of how were all feeling at such a sad and emotional time.

    And so, my beloved husband is now at rest in the beautiful and peaceful woodland of his choice, awaiting his oak tree which will one day become tall and strong as he was in life. Many, many thanks to all at Peace Funerals for your wonderful support, we highly recommend you

    Fantastic service
    Sue Warwick reviewed
    We just wanted to say thank you for all your help and assistance in arranging our mother’s funeral recently. Stephen and his team made everything so easy for us, and even though we chose the simple cremation there was no reduction in service, in fact we thought they went the extra mile in every way. We would highly recommend them.

    Christine Golder reviewed
    I just wanted to say thank you to you all at gleadless mount for your outstanding service you provided. I’ve lost my darling mother very recently and your compassion and sensitivity and guidance was greatly appreciated. The service for mum was beautiful and just what the family wanted. Iain and liz special thanks to you both. Arranging a funeral is a daunting process somthing I’ve had no personal experience of before. Your help certainly provided comfort at such a distressing and painful time.

    wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you my heartfelt thanks to you all.

    Caring, professional service, highly recommended
    Karen Totty reviewed
    Very caring, professional service with lots of choice and transparent costs. Website is well designed, information is clear and it helped me and dad make an informed choice and feel in control of the arrangements for mum. Charlie was kind, understanding and the team at Halifax Road made it feel like nothing was too much trouble. Many thanks

    Excellent service from start to finish
    Brian Allan reviewed
    Staff were polite, courteous and welcoming at all times. Stephen in particular, led us through all the arrangements with care and consideration, and at our own pace. I would wholeheartedly recommend Peace Funerals.

    Stephanie Warsop
    6 years ago

    This was the first funeral I had had to organise. Peace Funerals made it as painless as possible for me and I can’t thank them enough. The whole day went without a single problem or delay and they were tactful and respectful in their handling of my mothers coffin. I will definitely use them again if needs be.

    Dr Carolyn Kus
    3 years ago

    we recently used Peace funerals for our mum, they were amazing from the first call through to the ceremony were on hand to give advice and support. James was our contact and he was great so helpful, compassionate and kind. we had been recommended Peace and after our experiences can understand why, they cared so well for our mum washing and dressing her, and even helping with places for catering.
    As a family we all felt so well supported and the much loved tribute page was great way of the whole family sharing memories. Thank you James and the team for your support and help

    Jayne Lomas
    2 years ago

    Thank you so much to Peace Funerals for the kind and compassionate way they helped us plan our celebration of our mums life and her cremation. We wanted to do it all ourselves with our family all engaged. James at Peace Funerals was perfect. I would not hesitate to recommend.

    Rachel Gould
    2 months ago

    We took pot luck with an internet search and struck gold with Peace Funerals.  Everything was handled with the utmost of professionalism and care.  James, with his gentle voice, patiently listened to all our concerns and took the stress out of what was a very difficult situation.  They accommodated all our requirements from liaising with the restaurant and the celebrant we had chosen, to sourcing the very specific music we had selected.  The Order of Service was beautifully laid out and printed up, the pall bearers were discrete and professional.  In all, the funeral itself went off without a hitch and we were immensely relieved to be in such safe hands.  Thank you James for an excellent job.

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