Rosedale Funeral Home Bungay

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Funeral Directors Category: East of England

  • The Rosedale Funeral Homes – there are seven locally – are all owned by Anne Beckett-Allen and her husband Simon, making this a family business in the truest of senses. Anne and Simon are immersed in the day to day running of Rosedale and their touch is evident in every aspect.

    Anne was born into the funeral business, worked for several of the big corporate companies, and now revels in the freedom of independence. One of the highest qualified funeral directors in the country, Anne is a registered member of the British Institute of Funeral Directors and a tutor for the NAFD Diploma in Funeral Directing. She was a trustee of Nelson’s Journey for fifteen years, a charity that supports bereaved children and young people throughout Norfolk, and is still a volunteer. She recently led their Time to Remember Christmas service of remembrance.

    Anne is forward-looking, tuned into the needs and wishes of bereaved people today, and she knows how to make a business tick very happily. She is unusually intelligent, extremely kind and motivated by strong, ethical principles. She thinks very deeply about everything she does, always striving to improve the service her funeral homes offer in terms, both, of range of choice, and also the way they care for both the living and for those who have died. She really is one of the nicest people you could meet, very down-to-earth – and not a bit funereal. Anne does not customarily conduct funerals but is always there for anyone who wants their funeral conducted by a woman.

    Anne’s husband, Simon, is an electrician by trade and a builder of considerable talent and taste. He has converted all seven funeral homes. It is a fine achievement. Six of them are in old buildings, which he has restored with expertise and stunningly good taste. The best description might be ‘contemporary antique’. If John Lewis did funerals, you think, this is how they would do it — but it’s doubtful they’d do it quite so well. All the funeral homes are beautifully furnished and well equipped. Each one has its own grandfather clock, locally made and dating from the 1750s – 1780s, a beautiful, thoughtful addition to each of the premises.

    For all that he brings to the business, Simon is not a funeral man, he is an outsider. He takes nothing for granted and constantly questions. Because he sees things from the point of view of the client, his perspective has been invaluable in enabling Rosedale to cater so well for its clients. In recent years Simon has become more deeply involved with providing funerals for local people as a funeral director, conducting funerals for many families in the area. See a short YouTube video featuring Simon here.

    Both Anne and Simon are people of great heart. They have three children and one grandchild, have recently opened their home to a family of Ukrainian refugees, and, to celebrate Rosedale\’s 20th anniversary, are fundraising to sponsor a Guide Dog for the Blind. Anne is a keen triathlete and has competed in an Ironman UK, and in 2024 she is taking 8 weeks out of Rosedale to walk the Camino de Santiago and shine a lens on the company values from the outside in, with a view to coming back refreshed and invigorated and full of ideas for raising the bar in the funeral profession for the next twenty years.

    Simon is a keen chef and over the years of running bereavement support groups had learned that many people who have lost a partner find it difficult to prepare meals for just one person and the importance of food and cooking diminishes. Simon had the brainchild of “Cooking for One” developing recipes & collecting stories from bereaved people, along with wellbeing tips & quotes, poetry & pictures. They are delighted that it is now available to purchase online with all profits from sales of the book being donated to Cruse Bereavement Care, whose work in supporting bereaved people in Norfolk and Suffolk is invaluable. When he can be separated from his black labrador Bentley, Simon is a keen motorcycle enthusiast; he also has a pilot’s licence and is presently building an aeroplane in the garage.

    Together, these two manage to attract remarkably high-calibre staff, all of whom are rooted in their communities and very much ‘one of us’.

    We initially spent two days visiting all the funeral homes and talking to staff. We looked behind the scenes and assured ourselves that people who have died are cared for here with the greatest care and respect These are among the most caring funeral homes we have ever seen. Return visits have confirmed that these highest of standards are being proudly maintained.

    Specific Gravity

    Formal but not Victorian – because most people hereabouts don’t want the top hat and cane look. They can do that for you if you like, and they will also gladly dress down.

    So many families have asked for this that Rosedale now have a non-formal alternative uniform for their staff which enables them to fit in when families prefer to have ‘no black’ at a funeral.

    Very nice fleet of cars – Mercedes. Lots of alternatives to the standard hearse – you can see them all on their website.

    What’s Important?

    As a senior tutor at the British Institute of Funeral Directors, Anne places a high emphasis on excellent initial training topped up by continuing professional development. Everyone who works at Rosedale is really good at what they do. They are all, also, very nice people. They think hard about what they do and how they do it. Ideas and suggestions from staff are positively encouraged and many have been adopted by the company as a whole. You are not just another client here – anything but. They gladly give you all the time you need. They listen well and respond intelligently. Above all, they work with you.

    Standards of care of those who have died are also extraordinarily high. Staff working in the mortuary don white coats, and when they are attending to the care of the deceased, modesty cloths are always used while washing or dressing. It’s a respectful, personal and humane approach that we were very impressed by. The mortuary door has a sign that reads ‘Remember behind these doors is the most sacred room in the building. It is where loved ones come to be prepared for the most difficult event in a family’s life. Those that work behind these doors pledge to each family a never-ending commitment of respect & service to those that place their trust in us’.

    Bereavement support for clients is seen as fundamental to the service that Rosedale offers, and they offer eight-week Bereavement Support Groups, free of charge, and open to anyone no matter how long ago they had been bereaved or which funeral director they had used. You can watch an introductory video here.

    Ongoing support through the Friendship Group which offers social contact and practical activities is also provided with many participants sharing stories of friendships made, travels organised together, and adventures shared and even a Rosedale wedding or two!

    What’s Different?

    Anne says: “We can basically offer anything and everything.” The first funeral director in the UK to offer a carbon neutral funeral and a specialist in eco-friendly funerals. They can offer you a range of bereavement resources, including their own bereavement counsellor.

    Anne and Simon are also passionate about involving children in the funeral arrangements. Every branch has lots of really good books which explain death to children and help them take in what has happened. Anne does outreach work in local schools, too, and provides baskets of bereavement resources for them. They also commissioned a video entitled “What happens at a funeral?” whose purpose is to explain exactly that to children who are debating whether or not to attend.  It can be found on the Rosedale website here

    There are many small things which indicate the thoughtfulness and intelligence that informs this business – too many to list here, but we particularly liked the beautiful coffin tributes we found in one of the back rooms – made of lifelike silk flowers, these are available for families to use when perhaps they may not have the funds to pay for fresh flowers to adorn the coffin.


    • First contact: Your call will most likely be answered by a member of staff from the branch. At night you will speak to one of the highly qualified on-call personnel.
    • Home visits: Very happy to come to you to talk over the funeral arrangements.
    • Embalming: Not unless you ask for it. Rosedale are against all invasive treatments. Should it seem necessary, they will discuss it with you carefully first.
    • Continuity of care: Whichever funeral director you meet first will be there for you all through, holidays and sickness permitting.
    • Family participation: If you would like to come in and help wash and dress the person who has died or do their nails and hair or make up that is absolutely fine. They will give you all the support you need.
    • Same-sex person to wash and dress: If this is what you want, that is no problem at all. Just ask.
    • Ethnic specialism: Very happy to work with all ethnic and faith groups.
    • Local celebrants: They can put you in touch with a minister of religion, or a non-religious or semi-religious celebrant. All secular celebrants are hand-picked and very good.
    • Home-arranged funerals: If you would like to care for the person who has died at home, they will offer you all the support and advice you ask for. They have specialist cooling equipment that they will be happy to let you use if needed.
    • Website: The website is excellent. There is a great deal of information and, typical of the human touch you find here, photos of everyone who works there.
    • Client support: Good range of bereavement resources. An especial strength is the after-care of children.
    • Money matters: Clear and transparent — you’ll know exactly what you are paying for. If money is a concern, please don’t be afraid to make that clear — they really want to help you and low-cost options are available as well as simple touches that are available for any size of budget. Trained staff will help any families with applications for Social Fund.  Funeral finance available as well as a bereavement and probate helpline.


    Outstandingly well run, highly professional but, top of the list, you’ll find here an exceptional focus on people. Quiet, kind, capable and utterly sincere. Good value for money too.


    Any decisions you take on engaging the services of a funeral director should be based on your views and research. You should not rely solely upon the views and opinions offered by us.

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